Artist of the month October 2013: Muhammad Nurul Islam

Mas Roel Hebat!!

sCrypt Publishing

Born in the Netherlands and later grew up in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, Muhammad Nurul Islam or “Roel” was always scribbling on the back of his school books and later making comics for his high school magazine. Failing the exam for Graphic Design university he went on to study Economics where he met his fellow ‘cast away comic artist’ and went forming Komik Karpet Biru (Blue Carpet Comics) publishing more than 14 indie compilation, taught comics in schools and joined dozens of exhibitions and comic Cons. Later his comic making experience brought him to designing book covers, illustrations and web design.

Currently Roel is a regular contributor for “Cns Magazine” in Jakarta, making comic strips explaining about English idioms also maintaining “Jampang & Eneng” a strip on Facebook. Roel is also taking his Master degree in Art and Design at the Bedfordshire University, UK where he has been…

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